

L'univers des musiques parallèles/The Universe of Parallel Music

Radio FMR

"MIRAGE" (L'UNIVERS DES MUSIQUES PARALLELES/THE UNIVERSE OF PARALLEL MUSIC) ET TOUS LES JEUDIS SUR LA DAB + OU SUR LE STREAMING DE FMR /AND EVERY THURSDAY ON THE RADIO FMR INTERNET STREAMING. MIRAGE est l'émission radio de plus de 2 heures sur la musique électronique/synthé allant de la musique planante, progressive, expérimentale ou concrète … et bien d'autres où l'on pourra écouter des artistes et groupes, célèbres ou inconnus. Mais c'est également la musique de films qu'elle soit électronique ou orchestrale. "Mirage", it's the brand-new over 2 hours French radio show about electronic/synth music from floating music, progressive, expermental, Electroacoustic to the most structured … It's also film music soundtracks electronic and orchestral. Bref que des musiques que l'on ne passe jamais sur les radios françaises depuis plus de 30 ans.C'est pourquoi ce sont des musiques parallèles. So only music that aren't aired on French radios for over 30 years. That's why it's called Parallel Music.

En cours de lecture

Mirage 277 - Maximilien Mathevon "Totem"

Playlist :
Ian Boddy & Andy Pickford "Enigmatic" (Symbiont)
S.O.N.A.T.I.O.N. "Eastern Edge" (Single)
Nightbirds "Eternal Point Five" (Demo)
Stefan Erbe "No Remorse" (Metamorphosys)
François Bayle "Théâtre d'Ombres - ... Derrière l'image (C) Extrait" (Morceaux de Ciels - Théâtre d'Ombres)
Tangerine Dream "End Theme" (Wavelength)
Christian Alsemgeest "Arrival" (Single)
B.L. Underwood "Aura" (Tranquilizer Remastered)
Atom Music Audio "Survivors" (Unknown)
Noordic "Clouds and Colors" (Memories of Noa)
Spacecraft "Big Dipper" (Star Dreams)
Fritz Mayr "The Liar's Eyes" (Road to Infinity)
KapTep "Seventy Eights" (Exhale)
m00m "Stand Up For The Very First Time Excerpt" (Part 1 - First Steps)
Ivan Black "Lugh" (Ancient Times)
InHuM'AwZ "Clone" (Fracture Solaris)
Laura Karpman & Nora Kroll-Rosembaum "Main Title" (Captain America Brave New World)
Jean-Michel Jarre "EoN" (Exclusivité)
Obukhovaudio "The Next Level" (Globus)
Obukhovaudio "Drift Waves" (Globus)
Maximilien Mathevon "Totem 2" (Totem)
Maximilien Mathevon "Totem 6" (Totem)
Vangelis "The Plum Blossom" (China)

En cours de lecture

Mirage 276 - Andy Pickford "Nothing to See Here"

Playlist :
You "Slow Go" (Electric Day)
Silver Galaxy "Nocturnal" (Silver Galaxy)
K. Markov "More Light" (Neon Nebula)
Network 23 "Titans Excerpt" (Music to be Ignored 2)
XauriX XubatniX "The Owls Know What They See" (Doppelganger)
Vangelis "The Will Of The Wind" (Direct)
D*Time "Beneath The Shadow Of Silence Excerpt" (The Forgotten Hour)
Myst "Nocturnal Effigy - Ov Wampyric Blood" (Mountain Synth Supremacy)
Philippe Deschamps "Cosmos and Clouds" (Remember the Clouds)
Daft Punk "Sea of Simulation" (Tron Legacy)
Anima Infinity "Nitrogen Part VI" (Nitrogen)
Software "Syn-Code-Power-Part" (Past-Present-Future)
Maximilien Mathevon "Totem 4" (Totem)
John Carpenter & Alan Howarth "The Duke Arrives" (Escape from New York)
Olyam "Half Loop Ltd" (Single)
James Newton Howard "Rue's Farewell" (Hunger Games)
Jean-Michel Jarre "EoN" (Exclusivité)
F.D. Project "Studio Live Session 2" (The Other Side of F.D. Project)
Andy Pickford "Neutron Specter Pilot Excerpt" (Nothing to See Here)
Tangerine Dream "Sunset Drive" (Wavelength)

En cours de lecture

Mirage 275 - Lightwave "Cités Analogues"

Playlist :

Peter Baumann "Meadow Of Infinity Part 1" (Romance '76)
Hello Mr. Klaus "Battle at the Fairy Circle" (The Fairy of the Cyclical Journey)
Mac of BioNight "Inflexible" (Vetrina)
John Carpenter & Alan Howarth "Sunglasses On" (They Live)
John Carpenter & Alan Howarth "Back Alley" (They Live)
Pierre Henry "Remontée" (Labyrinthe)
Tangerine Dream "Burning Bar" (Thief)
Obukhovaudio "Serene Valley" (Stargate)
Suzanne Ciani "Part One Excerpt" (Buchla Concert At Galeria Bonino New York April 1974)
Christian Fiesel "Insight through Dancing Shadows on the Wall" (Dusk at Dawn)
Gazelle Twin "Anne Remembers" (Black Cab)
DeePhi & Low Key Trampoline "Burnt Sunrise" (Kaleidoscope I)
ToXyGeNeDK "Prelude" (Analog Intensity)
Tim Stebbing "Relativity" (Earthlight)
Zombie Zombie "Jungle the Jungle" (Single)
John Carpenter "Cruisin' With Mr. Scratch" (Lost Themes Expanded)
Benjamin Wallfisch "Goodbye" (Wolf Man)
Jean-Michel Jarre "EoN" (Exclusivité)
Nightbirds "Blue Planet" (Géode, Phase Interne)
Lightwave "Cités Analogues" (Cités Analogues)
Vangelis "La Fete Sauvage Part II Excerpt" (La Fete Sauvage)

En cours de lecture

Mirage 274 - Rob Walsh "Revenge of the Ninja"

Playlist :
Edgar Froese "Drunken Mozart in the Desert" (Stuntman)
Rüdiger Lorenz "38-17-34" (Synrise - Early Tape Recordings 1981-83)
Boris S.G "The Brain Mechanism" (Experimental Base)
Electro / Magnetic "In the Wind" (Yaksi)
Mark Dalton Griffiths "Four Birds Except" (Acoustronique VI - Modulisme Session 120)
Vangelis "La Fete Sauvage Part 1 Excerpt" (La Fete Sauvage)
Eleon feat. Jeff Pearce "View From Above" (Single)
Thom Brennan "Signs of Life Pt.5" (Signs of Life)
Lost Myths "To the Origins" (Lost Myths VI)
Abstract Rituals "Eyeline" (II)
Frédéric Gerchambeau & Bertrand Loreau "Visions from a Future Past" (Vimanafesto)
Astrobal "Galassia M81" (L'Uomo e la Natura)
D*Time "Caught In The Undertow Excerpt" (In Secret Currents)
ADN" Ckrystall "Bunker Pralines" (Fossil Poetry)
Winter Silhouette & Christian Alsemgeest "Sun Through Scattered Memories" (Salento)
Stu Phillips "Mines . . . Red Nova" (Battlestar Galactica)
Jean-Michel Jarre "EoN" (Exclusivité)
Tihomir Hristozov "Weapons Out" (Weapons Out)
Tihomir Hristozov "Man of the Law" (Weapons Out)
Tihomir Hristozov "Finish It" (Weapons Out)
Tihomir Hristozov "Stalker" (Weapons Out)
Tihomir Hristozov "Abnormal" (Weapons Out)
Tihomir Hristozov "Close to the Enemy" (Weapons Out)
Tihomir Hristozov "Time for Punish" (Weapons Out)
Tihomir Hristozov "Last Killers" (Weapons Out)
Rob Walsh "Ninja Karma" (Revenge of the Ninja)
Rob Walsh "Ninja Raiders" (Revenge of the Ninja)
Rob Walsh "Hand To Hand Combat" (Revenge of the Ninja)
Rob Walsh "Ninja Warriors" (Revenge of the Ninja)
Rob Walsh "Death Maze" (Revenge of the Ninja)
Rob Walsh "A Good Night To Die" (Revenge of the Ninja)
Rob Walsh "Hot Tub Torture" (Revenge of the Ninja)
Rob Walsh "Blood Spills" (Revenge of the Ninja)
Rob Walsh "Bone Crusher" (Revenge of the Ninja)
Rob Walsh "Revenge of the Ninja" (Revenge of the Ninja)
Rob Walsh "Terror" (Revenge of the Ninja)
Rob Walsh "The Ritual" (Revenge of the Ninja)
Tangerine Dream "Trap Feeling" (Thief)

En cours de lecture

Mirage 273 - Jerrold Immel "Megaforce"

Playlist :
Deuter "Light" (Cicada)
D*Time "The Unseen" (Shadow Summoner)
Forrest Fang "Little Zephyr" (Perihelion)
Anders Manga "Hollow Instrumental" (Unreleased)
Jean-Claude Risset "Elementa - Aqua" (Elementa)
Tangerine Dream "Scrap Yard" (Thief)
Olivier Brigand "Rencontres et Solitudes" (Exclusivité)
Fritz Mayr "Solar Maximum Excerpt" (Solar Maximum)
Atom Music Audio "Glorious "Instrumental" (Single)
Lars Flak "Über das gesamte Elektron " (Ein Kleines Werk)
Nattefrost "Energy - Vibration - Frequency Part I & II" (30 Years of Natterost)
Atli Örvarsson "Long Beach" (On Call)
Vangelis "Bryant Office" (Blade Runner Film Cues)
Vangelis "Flight to Tyrell Corporation" (Blade Runner Film Cues)
Vangelis "Deckard Meets Rachel" (Blade Runner Film Cues)
Vangelis "Voight Kampff" (Blade Runner Film Cues)
Zen Lemon "Rebirth" (Everything is)
Latome2 "De°Lite" (Single)
Perry Frank "Up Towards The Sky" (Atlas)
Alessandro Cicognini "La Maledizione Della Campana" (Don Camillo)
Jean-Michel Jarre "EoN" (Exclusivité)
Victor Le Masne "SynchroniCity Excerpt" (Music from the Opening Ceremony of the Olympic Games 2024)
Victor Le Masne "Motto" (Music from the Opening Ceremony of the Olympic Games 2024)
Victor Le Masne "Infinite Reveal of the Rings" (Music from the Opening Ceremony of the Olympic Games 2024)
Victor Le Masne "SynchroniCity Run" (Music from the Opening Ceremony of the Olympic Games 2024)
Jerrold Immel "Megaforce Rolls Out" (Megaforce)
Jerrold Immel "Main Titles" (Megaforce)
Jerrold Immel "Take-Off" (Megaforce)
Jerrold Immel "It’s All On The Wheel" (Megaforce)
Jerrold Immel "End Titles" (Megaforce)
Software "Land-of-Fantasy Instrumental" (Unreleased)