

L'univers des musiques parallèles/The Universe of Parallel Music

Radio FMR

"MIRAGE" (L'UNIVERS DES MUSIQUES PARALLELES/THE UNIVERSE OF PARALLEL MUSIC) ET TOUS LES JEUDIS SUR LA DAB + OU SUR LE STREAMING DE FMR /AND EVERY THURSDAY ON THE RADIO FMR INTERNET STREAMING. MIRAGE est l'émission radio de plus de 2 heures sur la musique électronique/synthé allant de la musique planante, progressive, expérimentale ou concrète … et bien d'autres où l'on pourra écouter des artistes et groupes, célèbres ou inconnus. Mais c'est également la musique de films qu'elle soit électronique ou orchestrale. "Mirage", it's the brand-new over 2 hours French radio show about electronic/synth music from floating music, progressive, expermental, Electroacoustic to the most structured … It's also film music soundtracks electronic and orchestral. Bref que des musiques que l'on ne passe jamais sur les radios françaises depuis plus de 30 ans.C'est pourquoi ce sont des musiques parallèles. So only music that aren't aired on French radios for over 30 years. That's why it's called Parallel Music.

En cours de lecture

Mirage 197 - Steve Joliffe "Endless"

Playlist :

  • Tangerine Dream "Ricochet Part 1" (Ricochet)
  • Chogori "One" (Minor Green)
  • Computerchemist "the magnetism of thought" (Green Twilight).mp3
  • D*Time "Into The Realm Of The Midnight Sky Excerpt" (Into The Realm Of The Midnight Sky)
  • La Mansarde Hermétique "Krauchlehm 2000 Part 1, Excerpt" (The Attic Diaries, Episode 4)
  • Mac of Bionight "Night in the House" (The White Stones)
  • Reinhardt Buhr "Collision" (Solace)
  • Richard Anthony Bean "Full Steam" (Single)
  • Dan J. Schulte "Stairs Down to Lower Depths" (Geomorph Caves & Caverns)
  • WooliebuGGer "In Preparation" (Passage)
  • Vangelis "Epilogue and End Titles" (Nuclear Now)
  • Harry Gregson Williams "Sea Dino Attack" (The Meg 2)
  • Jean-Michel Jarre "EoN" (Exclusivité)
  • Bertrand Loreau "Cri du Coeur" (Patchwork Music Digital Compilation)
  • Guillaume Paul "Glider" (Patchwork Music Digital Compilation)
  • Kurtz Mindfields "Reflexion of Space Time" (Patchwork Music Digital Compilation)
  • Steve Joliffe "End Three" (Endless)
  • Steve Joliffe "End Five" (Endless)
  • Steve Joliffe "End Six" (Endless)
  • Kitaro "End Titles" (Unreleased Queen Millenia)
En cours de lecture

Mirage 196 - Ilya Andrus "Koma"

Playlist :
Kraftwerk "Autobahn" (Unreleased Instrumental)
Camille El Bacha "Un Son Fantômatique" (Léon Theremin)
Computerchemist "It could be Paradise" (Mysterious Cave of Eternal Theta)
Jarmodular "Migawki z Dalekiej Wyprawy" (Echa sennych marzen)
Pierre Henry "Valse" (Mouvement - Rythme - Etude)
M3Nash "Hanging Over the Abyss" (Declive)
D*Time "The Final Phase" (Metamorphosis)
Jack Herz "Dust Awakes" (For the Love of the Night)
Bill Conty "Battle In Greyskull" (Masters of the Universe)
Jean-Michel Jarre "EoN" (Exclusivité)
Olivier Briand "Into the Waves" (Patchwork Music Digital Compilation)
Jean-Christophe Allier "Music Box" (Patchwork Music Digital Compilation)
Lionel Palierne "Escale" (Patchwork Music Digital Compilation)
Ilya Andrus "Prologue" (Koma)
Ilya Andrus "Teleport" (Koma)
Ilya Andrus "Base" (Koma)
Ilya Andrus "Proving" (Koma)
Ilya Andrus "Crossing" (Koma)
Ilya Andrus "Submarine" (Koma)
Ilya Andrus "Back to Coma" (Koma)
Ilya Andrus "Outro" (Koma)
Tangerine Dream "Charly the Kid" (Firestarter)

En cours de lecture

Mirage 195 - Space Art "Personal Duty"

Playlist :

  • Vangelis "Les 40 Braves" (Unreleased Instrumental from Odes)
  • Vangelis "Le Fleuve" (Unreleased Instrumental from Odes)
  • Vangelis "Lamento" (Unreleased Instrumental from Odes)
  • Micado feat. Synthasy "(R)enovated (R)evalations" (Irreversible Revelations)
  • D*Time "On The Sea Of Light" (The Silence of the Moon)
  • Haelium "Wonderful" (Crying Dancefloor)
  • Louis & bebe Barron "Introduction - Gods" (Seduction through Witchcraft)
  • Jim Ottaway "Divided Skies" (Infinite Universes)
  • Mike Hans Steffl "Alcatraz" (Calaboose Islands)
  • Haraa "Derniers Rêves d'Anatolie" (30 VI 23 live)
  • James Newton Howard & Metallica "Nothing Else Matters" (Jungle Cruise)
  • Jean-Michel Jarre "EoN" (Exclusivité)
  • Atom Music Audio "Abandoned" (Lost)
  • Atom Music Audio "Feeling Lost" (Lost)
  • Atom Music Audio "Forever and Forgotten" (Lost)
  • Atom Music Audio "Frozen in Time" (Lost)
  • Atom Music Audio "Insomnia" (Lost)
  • Atom Music Audio "Lost World" (Lost)
  • Atom Music Audio "Struggle" (Lost)
  • Atom Music Audio "Turmoil" (Lost)
  • Space Art "Hello" (Personal Duty)
  • Space Art "Cyber Debate" (Personal Duty)
  • Space Art "The Janitor" (Personal Duty)
  • Space Art "Flying Higher" (Personal Duty)
  • Space Art "Code Required" (Personal Duty)
  • Tangerine Dream "Tyger Instrumental" (Tyger Instrumental)
En cours de lecture

Mirage 194 - Paul Haslinger "The Youtube Effect"

Playlist :
Tangerine Dream "Phaedra" (Phaedra)
Bart Hawkins "Telemachus and Eucharis" (Nonlinear Crossroards)
Mike Hans Steffl "Makronisos" (Calaboose Islands)
Pabellon SIntetico "Mies Van der Rohe's Dreams" (Barcelona Pavilion)
Christian Zanesi "Muted Desire" (Electro Minimalism)
John Carpenter & Alan Howarth "Underground" (They Live)
Christian Wittman "Evanescent Ophelia" (Dreams and Drones)
Humpe "Stellar Chimes" (Celestial Runner)
Jack Hertz "Cascading Light" (Illuminated Cumulus)
Teeth of Glass "Nervous Dicisions" (Anche dopo la morte)
"Trapped in the Mad Wizard's Tower" (Silver Sword, Wrath of the Ultimate Barbarian)
Lorne Balfe "Rush Hour in Rome" (Mission Impossible, Dead Reckoning Part 1)
Jean-Michel Jarre "EoN" (Exclusivité)
Haraa "Les 3 Rochs" (30 VI 23 Live)
Paul Haslinger "Pervasion" (The Youtube Effect)
Paul Haslinger "TruMotion" (The Youtube Effect)
Paul Haslinger "Faundry" (The Youtube Effect)
Paul Haslinger "The Merge" (The Youtube Effect)
Paul Haslinger "Influencer 101" (The Youtube Effect)
Paul Haslinger "Algorhithm 2-7i" (The Youtube Effect)
Paul Haslinger "iFlux" (The Youtube Effect)
Paul Haslinger "The Arbitrers" (The Youtube Effect)
Paul Haslinger "Pervasion II" (The Youtube Effect)
Vangelis "Movement 2" (Soil Festivities)

En cours de lecture

Mirage 193 - S.A.W. "Hydragate"

Playlist :

  • Tyndall "Südwind" (Sonnenlicht)
  • Tyndall "Sonnenlicht" (Sonnenlicht)
  • Tyndall "Veränderlich" (Sonnenlicht)
  • Mac of Bionight "Subterranian Sunrise" (Temporal Cruiser)
  • Olivier Brigand "You Cut the Mustard, Dude" (Single)
  • Joerg Dankert "Journey to K2-415b Excerpt" (Strange New World)
  • Jean-Claude Risset "Sud (B) Extrait" (Sud - Dialogues - Inharmonique - Mutations)
  • Parsecproject "Error" (Apparatus)
  • D*Time "Remnants Of The Temporal Gateway" (Single)
  • Synth Replicants "Sunset Fantasy" (Single)
  • Sophos "Cepheids" (Tales from Urania)
  • Lorne Balfe "Music from the Official Teaser Trailer" (Mission Impossible, Dead Reckoning Part One)
  • Jean-Michel Jarre "EoN" (Exclusivité)
  • Steve Roach "Spirals & Molecules Excerpt" (Alive in the City of Angels 2023)
  • S.A.W. "Surfaces of Illusions" (Hydragate)
  • S.A.W. "Whispering Colors" (Hydragate)
  • S.A.W. "Master of Time" (Hydragate)
  • S.A.W. "Falling Down" (Hydragate)
  • Tangerine Dream "Dr Destructo" (Thief)